How to grow a newsletter: 4 strategies to boost your subscriber count

Are you feeling stuck with a stagnant subscriber list and wondering how to grow a newsletter? You're not alone. Many newsletter creators I've talked to face this challenge. Luckily, I have a few ways to help you overcome newsletter anemia and achieve newsletter abundance.

In this article, I'll share four tips on how to get more newsletter subscribers and boost your newsletter's subscriber count. You'll learn how to leverage organic growth through engaging content, harness the power of paid advertising, build partnerships for cross-promotion, and implement referral programs that practically run themselves.

By the end, you'll have a toolkit of practical tips and actionable steps to grow newsletter subscribers and turn your newsletter into a subscriber magnet.

Sound good? Let's get to it.

How to Grow a Newsletter Organically

Growing your newsletter organically means attracting subscribers without paying for ads. This approach not only saves money but often attracts highly engaged subscribers to your list.

Here are some effective strategies for organic growth:

Using Quizzes and Webinars to Grow Newsletter Subscribers

Engaging your audience with interactive content is a great way to grow newsletter subscribers. Quizzes are fun, shareable, and can provide valuable insights into your audience's interests. Use platforms like Quizizz or Typeform to create quizzes related to your newsletter's theme.

I know what you're thinking—webinars in 2024? I would probably feel the same way, but the truth is, they can work if they pair well with your niche.

Webinars offer a more in-depth way to connect with your audience. To make webinars more exciting:

  • Interactive Elements: Include polls, Q&A sessions, and live chats to keep attendees engaged.
  • Guest Speakers: Invite industry experts to share their insights and add credibility.
  • Exclusive Content: Offer behind-the-scenes looks, sneak peeks, or special announcements.
  • Gamification: Introduce games or challenges with prizes for participation.
  • Dynamic Presentation: Use engaging visuals, animations, and high-quality video production.

Why these work: Quizzes and webinars are engaging, provide value, and create a direct connection with your audience, helping you grow your newsletter.

Leveraging Social Content to Get More Newsletter Subscribers

One great way to get more newsletter subscribers organically is to leverage the power of social media. If you have a large social following already, this is a no-brainer. If not, you can start sharing, contributing, and finding ways to engage with your tribe. Regularly share relevant content, give more than you take, and update your bio to include a link to your newsletter sign-up page.

I'd recommend picking one social network at first—either 𝕏, LinkedIn, or Instagram—and focusing on attracting new subscribers on that platform before trying to branch out to others.

Tips for social media list-building success:

  • Regular posting keeps your audience engaged. Be consistent.
  • Align your content with your newsletter's theme to attract the right kind of subscribers.
  • Use analytics to track performance to see what works and refine your strategy along the way.

Focusing on interactive and social content can help you grow newsletter subscribers organically and build a community of engaged readers who look forward to your emails.

Growing Your Newsletter with Paid Ads

Investing in paid advertising can help you quickly expand your reach and get more newsletter subscribers. But if you do it too soon, you'll waste a lot of time and money without seeing your list grow.

I only recommend investing in paid ads when your newsletter meets one or more of the following criteria:

  • You have a monetization strategy in place: This could include selling products, services, or premium content. Buying ads can lead to negative ROI without a way to generate revenue from your subscribers.
  • You want to target a specific audience: Paid ads allow you to reach a highly specific audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. If you clearly understand your ideal subscriber profile, paid ads can help you reach them more efficiently. So can my Ideal Audience Blueprint.
  • You're launching something new: When you launch a new product, service, or feature, paid ads can generate buzz and attract attention quickly. They can help you reach a wider audience beyond your existing subscribers.
  • If you're trying to boost slow organic growth: If your organic growth strategies aren't yielding the desired results, paid ads can provide the necessary boost to increase visibility and attract new subscribers. But again, ensure you have a clear ROI before spending a lot of cash on new readers.
  • If you're promoting time-sensitive offers: For time-sensitive promotions, events, or offers, paid ads can create urgency and drive immediate action. This is particularly useful for webinars, special editions, or limited-time discounts.
  • If you're retargeting interested visitors: Retargeting ads are one of the best ways to build your list. Why? You already know people are interested in what you offer—they just need a little extra nudge. These ads remind them of your value proposition and encourage them to take the final step.

Below are the most cost-effective, high-performing paid ad platforms:

Using Meta Ads for Newsletter Growth

Meta offers highly targeted ads that allow you to reach your ideal audience. By creating compelling ad creatives highlighting the benefits of subscribing to your newsletter, you can hone in on your potential subscribers' specific demographics, interests, and behaviors.

To grow newsletter subscribers with Meta ads, make sure you do the following:

  • Have a clear call-to-action: Your ads should have a strong, clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages viewers to subscribe.
  • Utilize A/B testing: Experiment with different ad formats, creatives, and copy to see what resonates best with your audience. Once you find something that works, double down on either reach or spend (or both).
  • Use retargeting ads: As mentioned above, retargeting ads can be the perfect way to attract interested subscribers to your list.

Using Google Ads to Get More Newsletter Subscribers

Google Ads allows you to capture the interest of potential subscribers when they search for topics related to the ones you cover in your newsletter.

For many creators, Google Ads are great because search intent is high—meaning someone is actively seeking solutions for problems your content can provide.

If you want to see success with Google Ads and get more newsletter subscribers, do the following:

  • Keyword research: Identify high-traffic keywords relevant to your newsletter's content and place your ads there. Note that this can also mean you advertise against your competitor's keywords.
  • Write compelling copy: Draw people in with engaging ad copy that highlights the unique value proposition of your newsletter.
  • Optimize your landing page: Ensure the landing page your ad leads to is optimized for conversions, with a clear CTA and easy sign-up process. This is paramount.

Using X Ads to Grow Newsletter Subscribers

X is great for reaching an engaged, conversational audience. And since X is primarily text-based (and so is your newsletter), it can be an underutilized place to find ideal subscribers.

Moreover, if your newsletter is fast-paced and relevant to trending topics/ideas, X is likely the best place to promote it.

Here's how you can see success with X ads and grow your newsletter subscribers:

  • Use promoted posts: Promoted posts tend to reach a broader audience. Make sure they're engaging and offer a clear reason to subscribe.
  • Hashtags (maybe): Some people have success incorporating hashtags into their ads, and some don't. It really depends on your niche, but if your audience is prone to using hashtags to find/sort information, they're a great way to increase the visibility of your ads.
  • Promote engagement: Encourage reposts and likes to boost the organic reach of your promoted content. Follow along with any conversational activity—commenting and engaging with your audience go a long way towards credibility.

To sum up, paid ads provide immediate visibility. They can be precisely targeted to reach the right audience, driving a significant increase in landing page visitation and, ultimately, conversions. If you have a clear path to ROI once you've acquired a paid subscriber, they're an absolute no-brainer.

Building Partnerships and Cross-Promotions

Collaborating with other creators and newsletters allows you to tap into their audiences and attract subscribers interested in similar content.

One of the best ways to get more newsletter subscribers is through mutual promotion with other newsletters. Find newsletters with a similar audience and propose a partnership where you promote each other's content.

Here's what you'll need to start partnership list-building:

  • Identify potential partners: Look for newsletters with similar topics, interests, and demographics. The more aligned your audiences are, the better the results.
  • Propose a partnership: Reach out to potential partners with a clear proposal. Explain how the collaboration will benefit both parties.
  • Agree on ad styles: Establish the format for your promotions. This could be a dedicated section in your newsletter or a specific ad style that fits seamlessly with your content.

Focusing on Quality over Quantity

When it comes to partnerships, focus on quality over quantity. It's better to partner with a few newsletters with a highly engaged audience than to spread your efforts too thin with many low-quality partnerships.

One thing to note: Since not all newsletters are created equally (some will have larger audiences, better CTR, etc.), you'll need to agree on ways to ensure fairness for everyone involved. One of the best ways I've found is to focus on unique clicks in the campaign rather than sign-ups. This ensures that both parties get their fair share of exposure, with a focus on audience engagement and effectiveness.

Finding Partners to Grow Newsletter Subscribers

Finding partners willing to work with you can be challenging when you're first starting out. Luckily, there are a few plug-and-play services you can take advantage of right now.

  • Beehiiv: If you're building your audience on Beehiiv (and I recommend you do), they've made it easy to find partners through their Boosts marketplace. Their partner network is baked-in—it doesn't get easier than that.
  • SparkLoop: If you're using another email service provider (ESP), consider using the SparkLoop partner network or other marketplaces to find suitable partnerships. They integrate with several high-quality ESPs and make it easy to get started. I used them for years before moving to Beehiiv—they're solid.

Pro tip: When starting out, look for newsletters with similar subscriber counts. You'll both be in a similar place in terms of growth and likely more eager to go the extra mile to ensure a successful collab.

Implementing a Referral Program

Implementing a referral program for your newsletter can drive high-quality, organic growth on autopilot because you're incentivizing your existing subscribers to refer friends and colleagues—tapping into new networks and attracting like-minded subscribers.

Here's how to make them work for you:

  • Use built-in referral tools: Beehiiv offers a referral feature similar to their Boosts promotion feature. It's a no-brainer if you're already on their platform. For other ESPs, SparkLoop offers referrals along with its partner network, making it a great option.
  • Attract high-quality referrals: While referral programs might not generate a high volume of subscribers, the quality of referrals is typically very high. Referred subscribers are more likely to trust and engage with your content because they come recommended by someone they know.
  • Incentivize with digital products: Offer valuable digital products as rewards for referrals. This could be anything from cheat sheets and checklists to exclusive reports and swipe files.

Pro tip: Only offer physical referral rewards if you have the logistics to fulfill them. For 99% of newsletter creators, this is a headache you don't need.

To set up a successful referral program, you should:

  • Make it easy: Simplify the referral process as much as possible. The easier it is for your subscribers to refer others, the more likely they will do it.
  • Define your incentives: Offer digital products for 1-3 referrals. Again, these should be immediately valuable and relevant to your audience.
  • Promote your program: Regularly remind your subscribers about the referral program in your newsletters. Make it easy for them to refer friends by providing clear instructions and shareable links.
  • Track and reward: Use Beehiiv or SparkLoop's tracking features to keep up with people referring your newsletter. Ensure timely delivery of rewards to maintain trust and encourage continued participation.
  • Recognize effort: In your newsletter, publicly acknowledge top referrers. This will not only reward them but also motivate others to participate.

By implementing a well-structured referral program, you can create a steady stream of high-quality subscribers who will likely be engaged and loyal.

Wrapping Up

We've covered a lot of ground, but the strategies above are some of the best you can use to grow a bigger, better list. Let's recap them:

  • Organic growth: Leverage interactive content like quizzes and webinars and use social media effectively to attract engaged readers.
  • Paid advertising: Invest in paid ads strategically and only when you have a clear monetization plan and a defined target audience.
  • Partnerships and cross-promotions: Collaborate with other newsletters to reach a broader audience and attract high-quality subscribers.
  • Referral programs: Implement referral programs to encourage your current subscribers to bring in new ones, leveraging the trust they've built with their networks.

Each strategy offers unique benefits, from saving money with organic methods to rapidly expanding your reach with paid ads. By combining these approaches, you'll build a diversified toolkit that turns your newsletter into a subscriber magnet and helps you grow newsletter subscribers.