Master post purchase emails with these tips and templates

Congratulations! You've made the sale with either your Welcome sequence or Nurture sequence. Pop the champagne, right? Not so fast.

If you think your job is done once the money hits your account, you're leaving a ton of cash on the table. And worse, you're missing out on the chance to turn one-time buyers into raving fans.

This sequence of emails are like a friendly chat with your customers after they buy. It's not just about saying thanks. It's about making them feel special and part of your brand's story.

Key takeaways from this article:

  • Post-purchase emails build strong relationships with customers
  • These emails can boost sales and customer loyalty
  • A good sequence includes thank you, support, and bonus offer emails

Why Post-Purchase Sequences Matter

I've seen firsthand how post-purchase email sequences can make or break a business. They're not just about saying "thanks for buying." They're about building relationships.

Think about it—you've been in their shoes before. You've just bought something online. You're excited, maybe a little nervous—and you might be wondering what to do next.

This is where a good post-purchase sequence comes in. It's like a friend guiding you through the experience.

Here's an example: I once bought a new coffee maker. The company sent me a series of emails that made me feel like a barista-in-training. They shared tips, recipes, and even a fun quiz about coffee. I was hooked!

A well-timed and well-thought-out post-purchase sequence can:

  • Boost sales
  • Build trust
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Create brand advocates

Over the years, I've come up with a few key components that make these sequences truly effective. Let's take a look.

1. The "Thank You" Email

I always start with a heartfelt thank you. It's not just good manners—it sets the tone for the whole relationship. I make sure to personalize it with the customer's name and what they bought.

Here's a quick example:


"Hey [Name],

Thanks so much for your order of [Product]! I'm thrilled you chose us and can't wait for you to try it out.

I'll keep you posted on shipping updates. In the meantime, if you have any questions, just hit reply.

Thanks again, [Your Name]"

This simple gesture goes a long way in making customers feel valued right from the start.

2. The "Quick Win" Email

Next, I like to help customers get an early success with their purchase. It builds excitement and shows them the value of what they bought.

For instance, if I sold a productivity app, I might send:


"Hi [Name],

Ready for a 2-minute productivity boost? Here's a super quick way to set up your first task in [App Name]:

  1. Open the app
  2. Tap the '+' icon
  3. Type your task and hit 'Save'

Boom! You're already more organized. How easy was that?

Can't wait to see what else you accomplish! [Your Name]"

This gives them a taste of success and keeps them engaged with the product.

3. The "Onboarding Resource" Email

I always include an email with helpful resources. It shows I care about their success and gives them tools to get the most out of their purchase.

Here's an example for a fitness program:


"Hey [Name],

I want to make sure you crush your fitness goals. Here are some resources to help:

  • Beginner's Guide to [Program Name] (PDF attached)
  • Video: 5-minute warm-up routine
  • Link to our private Facebook group

Check them out and let me know if you have any questions!

Happy training, [Your Name]"

This email sets them up for success and shows I'm invested in their journey.

4. The "Community Builder" Email

Building a sense of community can really boost customer loyalty. I use this email to introduce customers to our wider community.

For a cooking course, it might look like this:


"Hi [Name],

You're not alone on your cooking journey! Join our community of food lovers:

  • Facebook Group: Share recipes and tips
  • Instagram: Tag your creations with #[YourBrand]Cooks
  • Monthly Zoom Cook-along: Next one is [Date]

Can't wait to see what you whip up!

Happy cooking, [Your Name]"

This helps customers feel part of something bigger and keeps them engaged long-term.

5. The "Exclusive Bonus" Email

I love surprising customers with an unexpected treat. It's a great way to exceed expectations and build goodwill.

Here's an example for an online course:


"Hey [Name],

I've got a surprise for you! As a thank you for joining [Course Name], I'm giving you free access to my exclusive 'Advanced Tips' webinar.

It's packed with strategies I don't share anywhere else. You can access it here: [Link]

Enjoy! [Your Name]"

This kind of bonus makes customers feel special and increases the perceived value of their purchase.

6. The "Ongoing Support" Email

Finally, I make sure customers know they can always reach out for help. This builds trust and shows I'm committed to their long-term success.

For a software product, I might send:


"Hi [Name],

Just checking in to see how you're getting on with [Product].

Remember, I'm always here to help:

  • Quick questions? Hit reply to this email
  • Need a demo? Book a call: [Link]
  • Check out our FAQ: [Link]

Your success is my priority!

Best, [Your Name]"

This open line of communication can prevent frustration and build lasting relationships.

Wrapping up: The power of post-purchase sequences

As we've explored, post-purchase sequences are a powerful tool for customer retention and brand loyalty. But their impact goes beyond just keeping customers happy.

These sequences can also provide valuable data and insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. By analyzing engagement rates and responses to different types of post-purchase emails, you can continually refine your product offerings, marketing strategies, and overall customer experience.

Remember, it's all about the customer journey. Each email should add value and make them feel good about their purchase.

I always say, "The sale is just the beginning." With a strong post-purchase sequence, you're not just selling products—you're creating loyal fans who'll stick with you for the long haul.