Mastering content creation with the "quantity now, quality later" approach

Steve Jobs famously said, "quality is more important than quantity. One home run is much better than two doubles."

That makes sense coming from a guy responsible for a massive company's financial well-being and the millions of shareholders who back their endeavors.

But for most digital entrepreneurs looking to build an audience without the weight of a multi-billion dollar corporation, I think there's a much more realistic approach: the "quantity now, quality later" content strategy.

I've used this method for a while now with great results in content creation, but I still get pushback when I talk to folks about it. Many people hesitate to try this method because they're afraid of producing low-quality content, are caught up in perfectionism, or are constantly comparing themselves to others.

Let's explore this.

Overcoming perfectionism in content creation

When creating content, the truth is you actually need both quantity and quality to achieve audience growth. But for those just starting out, the "quantity now, quality later" method tends to ease people's minds and allows them to just get started.

However, there are several reasons people might be apprehensive when considering this method, including:

  • Fear of producing low-quality content
  • A focus on perfectionism and a desire to deliver only high-quality content
  • Comparison to others and feeling that their content is not good enough
  • Overwhelmed and feeling unable to produce a large volume of content consistently
  • Lack of confidence in their ability to create high-quality content and experiment with different formats

What people come to realize about the "quantity now, quality later" content strategy is that it actually takes the pressure off of content creation, allowing you to work in a fast, iterative way.

It allows you to test out multiple forms of content and messaging and then see what resonates. It's much less stressful for the content creator and becomes more valuable for the audience.

Here's how to win with the "quantity now, quality later" content strategy.

Don't worry — everyone starts off bad

Even the most successful people with massive audiences had to start somewhere. We all suck initially, but the more you publish, the faster you learn, the better your results.

Set realistic expectations when trying the "quantity now, quality later" method. Give yourself permission to explore, make mistakes, and learn from them.

If you focus on progress instead of perfection, your incremental improvements will add up over time. You'll eventually find your voice, and your audience (and content) will be better for it.

Experimentation is key to achieving your content creation goals

Remember that every piece of content you publish is an experiment when using this method. Whether it's a tweet or a blog post, you should constantly experiment with various content types to see what works.

Once your content gains traction, you'll know where to focus. And even if it falls flat, there's still an opportunity to learn from it. Don't be afraid to try new things — you could be one experiment away from a breakthrough.

Data analysis will help ensure you're on the right track

To quote Sherlock Holmes, "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data."

When you put out a lot of content, you'll inevitably end up with a lot of data about its performance. There are countless tools to help you keep your things organized and actionable, so I won't go through them all, but I've listed my two daily drivers below:

  • Typefully: A Twitter tool that helps you write, schedule, and analyze your tweets.
  • Fathom: A Google Analytics alternative that doesn't compromise visitor privacy for data.

You'll know if and how your content performs with your audience by measuring engagement, time spent, social shares, etc.

Reuse and recycle your best ideas

After experimenting with different content ideas and analyzing what resonates with your audience, you'll likely have a solid "content library" of your best-performing pieces.

Don't overlook the potential of repurposing and remixing this content.

Some people worry that their audience will notice and lose interest, but the truth is that most people won't even remember seeing your content the first time around. If you think your audience remembers all of your content, you're wildly overestimating the average person's attention span.

Every time you wonder if you should post recycled or reused content, remember this tweet from Justin Welsh.

Why the "quantity now, quality later" content strategy is the most realistic approach for digital entrepreneurs

While Steve Jobs' famous quote on quality over quantity may have been relevant to Apple's business model, the reality for most digital entrepreneurs is quite different.

The "quantity now, quality later" method provides a realistic approach to content creation that removes pressure and allows experimentation, learning, and improvement.

Although the allure of concentrating solely on quality is strong, it is crucial to also emphasize quantity, quality, and, perhaps most significantly, consistency to establish a devoted audience.

By embracing this method and using the tips outlined in this article, you can create impactful and engaging content, connect with your audience more deeply, and achieve your goals as a content creator.

Don't be afraid to experiment, publish more, and learn as you go.